Online Workshops
Sales Concepts Interactive Online Workshops |
What is an interactive online workshop? Far from standard webinars, our interactive online workshops are just that, interactive. Engagement is key throughout the sessions. During our workshops, we encourage you to enter the discussion. Ask questions and engage with Sales Concepts instructors live as if you were sitting in a classroom. Get your questions answered and your needs addressed. Our online sessions include homework assignments to ensure execution of the strategies and concepts. Contact us for more details. | |||
Proactive Prospecting |
Maximize opportunities. Develop and execute a prospecting strategy. | |||
We all know prospecting is important when it comes to generating new business and keeping our sales funnels full, but few of us do it. In this session, we evaluate what consistent, proactive prospecting is. Why it’s important, and what keeps us from doing it. We introduce a process for proactive prospecting. | |||
1 Hour – Tuesday, July 16, 2019, at 11:00 AM Eastern: $139.00
Connecting and Establishing Value |
Make a memorable impression with relevant value propositions. | |||
Customers value different aspects of companies, products, and services. No single item universally establishes value in the minds of customers and prospects. In this session, we look at the four types of value and how they affect customer’s perceptions. We assess sources of value and build questions to determine what customers value and how to quantify it. Salespeople can use this information to maintain margins and differentiate themselves in the minds of their prospects and customers. | |||
1 Hour – Thursday, July 18, 2019, at 2 PM Eastern: $139.00
Qualifying |
Ask the right questions. Listen. Identify and confirm your assumptions. | |||
Nothing impacts the discovery of new opportunities more than the ability and skill to ask thoughtful, relevant, and insightful questions. In this workshop, we share a four-step process for asking impactful questions. We emphasize the importance of asking questions from the initial contact to the close. We review the barriers that keep us from asking questions with options to overcome them. We stress salespeople need to stop telling, stop assuming, and start asking questions. | |||
1 Hour – Wednesday, July 24, 2019, at 2 PM Eastern: $139.00
Overcoming Objections |
What’s in it for the customer? Respond to objections. | |||
To deal with objections effectively, we must understand where they come from and what causes them. Then we must understand how we react to them. In addition to the five basic types of objections, participants discuss the most difficult objections they encounter in everyday situations. We share a seven-step process for dealing with objections. We explore and discuss ideas to help participants respond when dealing with objections. | |||
1 Hour – Thursday, August 1, 2019, at 2 PM Eastern: $139.00
Closing |
The six components of closing business. | |||
The close is a logical conclusion to an orderly sales process. We discuss the six critical elements of closing and how they impact your ability to win business. Closing can be difficult for salespeople when they have not earned the right to close. Ways for closing the Economic Buyer (the final decision maker) are reviewed and discussed. Natural closing at the end of the sales process requires proper positioning at the beginning of the process. We emphasize how closing should be a natural part of the sales process and not an awkward question or gimmick. | |||
1 Hour – Thursday, August 15, 2019, at 2 PM Eastern: $139.00