An Email From A Customer

We hope you’ve never lost business like this:email_envelope_200_clr_7126


Since we are old friends, I want to explain why I think your company lost our business. Joe, please do not feel that it was due to any lack of representation by your company and product. Certainly, it was not because you did not present yourself as a professional, or that you did not present your company’s product as a great solution, or that you did not know your product inside-out. Joe, you are, of course, a top-notch salesperson. I really wanted to buy from you.

Unfortunately, Mr. Topranking, Executive CEO, was impressed by Connie Competitor and her expertise in the Everything Line. Honestly, I am surprised she won the business. Ms. Competitor’s presentation was of a completely different nature than yours. In fact, she did not present at all. Instead she asked a bunch of questions and then she just sat back like a bump on a log and listened to the answers. Moreover, she was obviously not as prepared as you. She had to make several trips back to us in order to supply Mr. Topranking with more information.

Really, Joe, it was not your fault. It was just that the more Ms. Competitor listened and the more Mr. Topranking talked, it became apparent to everyone that what Mr. Topranking really needed was not the product you were selling us at all. In fact, we were not even aware until yesterday that your company carried a comparable product.

Anyway, just wanted to express my condolences and assure you that you did a fine job. Great Presentation!

Rich Client
Any Business, Inc.


Sales Concepts Postscript: What went wrong? Joe may have been selling too low in the organization. He apparently did not keep up with the critical business issues or industry trends. And Joe certainly did not ask the right questions.

Is there someone like Joe on your sales team? We can help.


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