Great Leaders Help Others get Ahead

There are many desiring to be in positions of leadership. However, they may not understand the concept of being a “servant leader.” The best leaders in history did not get to their positions by defeating their opponents or holding others back.
Leader on Ladder
What is servant leadership?
The term servant leadership first appeared in an essay written in 1966 by an AT&T executive named Robert Greenleaf. Greenleaf held to the ideal that an organization run on the premise of servant-first could be highly effective and productive.
Service to others is the core of his philosophy. The servant leader does not look for ways to seek personal gain. The servant leader becomes the leader by virtue of lifting others to become better leaders themselves. In this writing, Greenleaf defines a servant leader as someone who “is a servant first.” Servant leadership isn’t about positions and titles. Instead, it is an attitude that says people and relationships are important, valuable, and essential to the success of the organization. Servant leaders put their people and their organizations before themselves. They don’t view employees as a means to an end. They don’t seek personal success at the expense of others.

Help others become better leaders.

Helping others in a way that is not intended to be self-serving may put you in a position of greater influence, and thereby, leadership. We see this played out time after time in various domains whether politics, business, or society. Emerging leaders are not the ones who discredit others or hold others back in order to maintain their own position. This kind of leadership can make the difference in your field. The old saying “A rising tide lifts all boats” is a good illustration of how leadership is the difference-maker. By helping others become better leaders, you become one!

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