Ready or Not, 2018 is Underway!

We are already a month into 2018, a new year. For those of us in sales and management, our numbers revert to zero. Have they come to you with a higher quota this year? Did they give you a stretch goal? Did they offer you anything to help you make this new number, or just tell you to go get it? If you are a salesperson or a manager, you have eleven months left to make your goal. The clock is ticking!

Tom Brady, whom many are calling the GOAT (Greatest of All Time), has a new show on Facebook Tom vs.Time. It chronicles how he, as a 40-year-old, prepared for this season. The footage shows how he trains to be the best. He has been successfully playing football for most of his life. He has won five NFL championship rings and plays for a sixth this Sunday. He is still getting coached. He is still pro-actively training every day. Even with his experience, expertise, and success, Tom Brady believes he can improve.

If we are having a conversation and you tell me your team is experienced and does not need training, I am cringing. Why do people think if they have experienced salespeople there is no need to improve? Would you choose to see a doctor with 15-20 years of experience who believes he or she has nothing new to learn?

For a salesperson to achieve greatness, they must take stock of what they do well and areas they can improve. A salesperson must be open to change and develop an intentional plan for improvement. Training makes weak salespeople stronger and strong salespeople great.

Sales Concepts offers individual public programs, customized group training, and a two-year continuing program consisting of 12 different courses. Let us help your team become the GOAT sales force at your company.

“Good is the enemy of great.”

Jim Collins.

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